Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NY state of mind

I have not been feeling up to writing much yet. I have so much going on right now, looking for a place to live, relocating the family, etc. I am not going to lie and say it has been easy but thankfully we have the Hubs family and our old friends making things easier for us. We are always surrounded by people motivating us to move forward. Here is some images of what we have been up to: The Hubs and I go out every weekend with the kids to the park or to hang with family, our little one is in love with riding the train and actually our oldest is getting out of his shell and spending more time hanging with the family. The one thing that got me was walking around 42nd street and hearing a girl saying "I can't believe I'm here!", so I think I have to count ourselves lucky to be able to move here. It is change, but change even when is not easy is always for the best. I have also an opportunity to see some old High School friends, and hearing some of their stories showed me we all struggle one way or another, we all have to work hard to get where we want to be, even thought you screw up, life always gives you another chance to redeemed your self. Here is to finding a new place, a new pace and a new city to call home. Over & out

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