Friday, November 2, 2012

Meanwhile in NYC

We survive this crazy Sandy. And I'm gonna tell you the truth: I had NO IDEA it was this bad. We didn't have cable, internet or phones; our apartment is in the back garden which shapes like an U, our front trees where moving a lot, it was breezy but being from the Caribbean it did not look that bad. I actually slept with my window open (I kid you not).

By Tuesday when we got the connection back and saw the news I was " what the heck?! where were we?!
We did not loose power or water and now we know how incredible lucky we where.

I went to work on Wednesday, so I check and the buses have been re routed, the main road is full of huge trees so I though, uhm, maybe some branches where down...instead I got this:

Basically a huge trees fell down the road, one fell on FOUR cars crushing them (excuse the lack of detail since my dear teenager took these). Then another one fell across the street to the house, they took down to light post along with electricity for that block. It was just one block down from us. Not only we got lucky because our complex is not so expose to the trees as the ones you see in these pics, but also we got everything back and they are still in the dark!

Getting around has been challenging  especially Wednesday. Overall we are not complaining and actually grateful for the things we take for granted.

I believe and I know things will recover and people will heal. Also my beloved NJ where I lived many, many sad.

With the state of things we thought Halloween was cancelled, and since we had our Halloween Movie night Saturday we didn't think much of it, but when we went for a walk our little guy saw other kids dressed up so he wanted to join them. We Trick or Treated for a little while and he got his pumpkin filled in just one block. So thank you to all my neighbors who where in the spirit of celebrating still and making it festive for the kids.

Hope you all are staying well.

Over & out


Jenn said...

I've been thinking about you and happy that you are safe! That storm was such a mess!

Jenn said...

Hi again!
I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebeter Award.

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Thanks Jenn! you rock