Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You don't know what you had until it's gone...

GW Bridge...leaving NYC

...and then you realize how lucky you are that that's out of your life. I don't want to sound ungrateful but my previous job SUCK A$$ big time. I don't mean to say that it was all bad but in retrospective it was not that great.

Only after spending Thanksgiving with my family, not worrying about Monday and the work load that I was going to have for missing 2 days of work (they only close on the actual Holiday) that I was so relieve and happy and joyful. I don't want my kids to remember me for missing out on Holidays just because of work; they mean to me so much more than a paycheck.

We spent our Thanksgiving in NYC with the Hubs family, I don't have many pictures since I allowed myself to just BE in the moment and had someone else worry about the photos. I enjoy the most delicious Turkey EVER. My MIL rocks! and I don't even like turkey, that's how good it was. We did have a chance to stop by Times Square, but again no pictures. This was the first time we took the little guy with us, so I asked the big guy to take pics if he wanted to, he choose to drink his Caramel Machiatto in peace. Good choice.

After our walk looking at the pretty lights, some folks decided to go to the toy store, we choose to head home. While riding the train I remember my parents going on Christmas eve to the toy store to get our gifts. When we where old enough and found the deal with Santa we got to go with them and pick our own gifts. Believe me, it was so much fun for us.

That brought me to think what I want my kids to remember about these times. I want Alain to remember me on the floor trying to remove my boots after our NYC walk, him trying to help pulling them off and instead dragging me thru the floor...while I'm hysterically laughing and screaming I'm gonna pee my pants -and I did.

Aiden and his cousin Gabriel

I want them to remember the smell of baked cookies in the afternoon, on a rainy day like today. I want them to see a mother that takes pride and joy on taking care of her home and her family. Last night I was putting up a Christmas plate on the wall above my sink, my oldest said how pretty and festive the house looked. This is why we do what we do...so they can look back and remember these moments. It feels so good to have a place to decorate this year...so, so good.

Hope you had a terrific time with your families. Remember that THEY are the most important part of the Holidays.

Over & out

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