Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And we are off...

We made it. Here is to another New Year and hopefully a better more hopeful one.

Chirstmas was a little off, it all started with my Sister's family getting sick. Christmas eve she didn't feel well and my niece was throwing up. I had to go there and set up her table for her.

Then from then it got worse, her in-laws where arguing (MIL calling the kiddos "Shit") it was bad. Then they had to take my niece to the ER. We actually where the normal ones, took some time to hunt down some Christmas lights,

but then the Next day was my little guys turn, from 1am on he trowed up all over the bed, comforters, my Hubs, etc. Then my Hubs got sick too.

The piles of laundry where both huge and disgusting!

Thankfully we all got better by midweek, I had tons to do, errands to run, things to pay, problems with our oldest on's bank account, just CRAZY.

Finally we made it Friday night to NYC to see the Hubs family. That was a real blast. We took the kiddos to see the Tree and the Rockefeller Center, I found a Anthropology store and got 4 more of my obsession: latte bowls. That Night the party was on, we danced a lot and ate some more. Sadly I forgot the camera so there just a few shots we took with my SIL camera.

The next day was a Birthday party with ridiculous amount of tripe soup YUK! I don' t eat that even if you paid me but the Hubs loves it. Thankfully there was also Roasted pork for those of us picky eaters.

We did some Karaoke, laugh so much that I almost peed my pants and of course sickness followed us around because our nephew that had been sick with a terrible cough got worse, having to nebulized him and we ended up in the ER at the end of the night. I stayed there till 2am, then went home to take care of her 8 wk old so that her Hubs could join her. I stayed up till 4am. I tell you, never a boring moment. Even yesterday we where supposed to just pack, order empanadas and get ready to come home, people started stopping by so we didn't leave until 5pm.

Oh, but we did enjoy ourselves and had a blast, and I cannot wait to go back.
I hope you all had a blast in a glass and that this year brings you many more fantastic things!

Over & out


Sarah said...

First off boo too all the sickness!
Great family pictures and holy amazing christmas lights! Wonder what their electricity bill runs them HA HA Glad you had a good holiday though.

Anonymous said...

Dang, that's a lot of people getting sick! So glad everyone is back to feeling better! Hit the ground running this year, you'll do great! Loving all the pictures and that HOUSE with all those lights!!! OMG, they must be BROKE when the energy bill comes!