Friday, January 15, 2010

Sunday night:
mumble mumble…I think my tooth is hurting

Me: Al?
Al: yeap
me: come with me
Al: its 10pm where are we going?
me: to buy a wrench to take my tooth out…
Al: (annoyingly exited) cool!

turns out I can buy Orajel which BTW does diddly squat for my pain.

rumble rumble rumble
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (cry)
rush to get up
OUCH! (stomped toe on crib)
picks baby, makes milk,
cough cough cough
faint cry
turned to face hubs: what?
Hubs: I’m dyiiiiiiiiiiing!
touches hubs forehead to find he has a fever (and want his mommy) hahahaha, sorry…carry on

Monday Morning:
Drop baby @ daycare
rushed to Dentist office
wah wah wah (Charlie Brown’s Teacher sound) no-we cant see you now- wah wah wah
appointment set for Tuesday
husband on phone: I’mmmmm dyyyyyiiiiingggggggg
work-with tooth ache, empty Orajel in mouth which makes my tongue numb which makes me talk like I have cotton in my mouth
picks up baby

later that night:
owwww owww owwwww
Husband: I’m dy-ing (dramatical pause) cough cough cough
achoo, atchoo, achew
Hubs: hoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…I need juice
Me: roll eyes, while holding side of face with one hand and the baby in other.
baby crying : waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Baby crying
Baby has a fever…give medication, numb my tongue again and takes one Tylenol and one Aleve.
Hubs still dying
we watched NJ Shore in awe. It’s so bad its good (rubs hands together and has evil laugh buahahahahahaha)

Dentist office:
wah wah wah (Charlie Brown’s Teacher sound again) wah wah wah- you have to go to a specialist wah wah wah root canal wah wah wah
come afterwards wah wah wah….OY!!!! grunts and moans, mumbles…walk away stomping feet.
baby sick…fever…wailing…crying…
Hubs: I’m dyinggggggggggggggggg…(I’m sure you are and I know who is going to kill you *wink*)

later that night:
owwww owww owwwww
Husband: I’m dy-ing (drmatical pause) cough cough cough
achoo, atchoo, achew
Hubs: hoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…I need juice
Me: roll eyes, while holding side of face with one hand and the baby in other.
baby crying : waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

older kid asking whats wrong
Me: this is what happens when you have a baby and this is WHY you don’t want one, right? (odd conversation about sex and abstinence)
Me: (inside laughing…abstinence…hahahahaha…ouch ouch ouch, tooth hurting)

Sometime Wednesday Morning:
Me: Alo?
Daycare: wah wah wah…baby has a fever…wah wah…need to come…wah wah wah.
me rushing to finish work, boss said to go, running to get to baby while dialing Pediatritian to make an apoinment.
Ouch ouch ouch
tooth…head…shoes too tight but looking fabulous…
baby has an ear infection

later that night

owwww owww owwwww
Husband: I’m dy-ing (drmatical pause) cough cough cough
achoo, atchoo, achew
Hubs: hoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…I need juice
Me: roll eyes, while holding side of face with one hand and the baby in other.
baby crying : waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

you get the picture…how was your week?

Over & Out

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